
My Approach to teaching

The teacher-student relationship is symbiotic. As students accomplish course objectives, they learn the subject material and grow as academics. Simultaneously, the teacher refines his methods, approach, and style, becoming a better educator. The teacher and students integrally produce the context in which learning occurs. Teaching and learning is a dynamic process that evolves as each new classroom context emerges.

Each semester, in addition to teaching classes, I mentor 2-3 students who conduct an independent study project. The typical experience of an undergraduate student involves completion of coursework and co-op assignments. Many come from racial, ethnic, gender, and/or socio-economic backgrounds that are underrepresented in thier academic field. Few have the opportunity to conduct scientific or creative research. However, it has been my priority as a servant leader to change this. I feel that given the opportunity, these undergraduates stand to benefit immensely from involvement in research projects. 

Each student who has taken on an independent study has chosen his/her own topic, proposed an approach, completed the project, and submitted a comprehensive deliverable. These students each gained a set of skills, values, and principles far more significant than those developed through standard coursework. The self-directed nature of these projects led to a newfound sense of autonomy and responsibility. They were directing a process, making discoveries, finding evidence, and drawing conclusions.  Along the way, each of these students came to the profound understanding that doing research is what propels academia forward. 

The driving force behind my career as an educator is a passionate love of learning. The thrill I feel when grasping new ideas is relived each time I help a student experience that same rush. The opportunity to nurture a love of learning, both in myself and in my students, is a great gift; one which I deliberately foster through a thoughtful approach to teaching.


In recognition of my efforts promoting undergraduate research, I received the 2020 Undergraduate Faculty Mentor of the Year and the 2018 Elliott Blinn Award from Bowling Green State University. I was also awarded the 2018 Faculty Excellence Award from The Association of Technology, Management and Applied Engineering (ATMAE).

I have been fortunate to teach students from diverse backgrounds ranging from rural Ohio towns to urban Chicago and Toledo and international students from across the globe. I have actively supported twenty independent studies in which students conducted scholarly and creative work, many of which involved students participating in my primary research. 

User Experience Course Overview

UX Course Overview

Courses Taught

Roosevelt University, Chicago, Illinois

Judson University, Elgin, Illinois

Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio

DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois