Jerry Schnepp
About me
As a technologist, designer, and creative problem-solver, I'm passionate about teaching people to embrace new technology and explore. I am the Robert Miner Endowed Chair of the Department of Computer and Cyber Security at Roosevelt University. Before joining Roosevelt, I led the Computer Science Department at Judson University and served as Associate Professor of Visual Communication Technology in the College of Technology, Architecture and Applied Engineering at Bowling Green State University (BGSU). I was the founding director of the Collab Lab, a hands-on, creative space for students and faculty to engage in collaborative work.
My research efforts are directed in several areas: STEM Education, Learner Experience Design, Technology for Online Assessment, Interactive Mobile Learning, Innovative Interfaces, and Computerized Sign Language Synthesis. I enjoy collaborating on projects involving cutting-edge technology and new applications.
I am the recipient of the 2022 BGSU Faculty Mentor of the Year Award, the 2018 Elliott L Blinn Award for my work supporting undergraduate research and creative work, and the 2018 Faculty Excellence Award from the Association of Technology Management and Applied Engineering.
recent Presentation Slide Decks
ConveyUX: Collaborative and Iterative UX Curriculum Development
Judson University CS Doctoral Residency: Human-Computer Interaction Research
Academic Chairs' Conference: Leadership Doesn't Have to be Lonely
ACCA 2023: Empowering Educators with AI
NWO Cosmos: Computational Thinking
EduTeach International Conference: Learner Experience Design
RU Student Research Orientation: Embracing Human-Centered Design